Upcoming events.
Landmark is moving to 2 services!
Beginning on January 12, Landmark will officially be moving to two Sunday gathering’s at 9:00am & 11:00am! January 5 will be our final 10:00am service!
Landmark is moving to 2 services!
Beginning on January 12, Landmark will officially be moving to two Sunday gathering’s at 9:00am & 11:00am! January 5 will be our final 10:00am service!
Join us as we worship at 10am for the last time, on January 12th we will be moving to 2 services!
After December 22, we will not meet again for a Sunday gathering until January 5, 2025!
Christmas Carol Service
At 6:30pm on December 22 we will regather to the courtyard of Bowie Elementary for a special time of hot chocolate, cookies, and fellowship together as we sing and light candles for the arrival of King Jesus!
Christmas Eve Service
Our normal weekly Sunday gathering, 10:00am on December 22 will also be the final service of the Advent season prior to Christmas. This will serve as part 1 as our Christmas Eve service with part 2 happening that same evening at 6:30pm.
Volunteer Celebration!
Time to celebrate those in our church who have been faithfully serving throughout 2024 on December 15th. Please don’t forget to respond to the Evite and RSVP!
This Sunday, December 8 from 3:00-5:00pm @ Lamppost Coffee, the College Community will be studying together instead of our normal weekly group! If you are studying for finals, come grab a free coffee!
LM Trunk or Treat
Join us on October 30 @ Bowie Elementary, set up starting at 6:30pm, event beginning @ 7:00pm. This is a great opportunity to really engage with the neighborhood surrounding our church.
Come and decorate your trunk, we want the parking lot FILLED! The 3 best trunks will receive a prize!!!
New Members Class
Interested in Membership at Landmark? Join us at the Azzaro home to learn about us and the process of becoming a covenant member. Please email rachel@landmarkchurch.life if you plan on attending!
Sacraments Class
Join us for a special teaching on communion and baptism - October 20 @ 11:45pm in the Makerspace after service.
LM College Community
The LM College Community will be meeting at Lamppost Coffee (407 S Stagecoach Trail, San Marcos, TX 78666) EVERY week for all TXST students and college aged people. See you all there!
Landmark YTH Hangz: Fall Edition
Have a student from the ages 14-18? Join our ministry resident, Kenny, and volunteers for fun hangz and gospel conversations! If you’re interested in having a youth student attend please contact Kenny at kenny@landmarkchurch.life.
Community Formation Class
Are you interested in joining a group at Landmark? This class, taught by Pastor Luke, will introduce you to the importance of community life outside of Sunday mornings. This class will be held in the ‘Makerspace’ classroom in our children’s ministry area.
Members Meeting
If you are currently a member at Landmark Church, please mark your calendar for our annual member’s meeting to prayer over and celebrate what is happening in our church and discuss various topics. There will be a zoom link emailed out to our current members, if you want to make sure you will be receiving that email please check with our Executive Pastor, Luke Schlenker at luke@landmarkchurch.life.
Potluck at the park!
Join us for our monthly church-wide park party at Rio Vista Park. Come ready to have fun and eat some yummy food! We will be doing a potluck so please bring an entree if your late name starts with A-M and a side if your last name ends with N-Z.
LM College Community
Starting Monday, September 9th the LM College Community will be meeting at Lamppost Coffee (407 S Stagecoach Trail, San Marcos, TX 78666) EVERY week for all TXST students and college aged people. See you all there!
Landmark YTH Hangz: Fall Edition
Have a student from the ages 14-18? Join our ministry resident, Kenny, and volunteers for fun hangz and gospel conversations! If you’re interested in having a youth student attend please contact Kenny at kenny@landmarkchurch.life.
Celebration Sunday
Join us for our official fall launch with a celebration Sunday! We will have a jam-packed Sunday filled with many things to celebrate including baby dedication, inducting new members, and FREE snow cones after service. We hope to see you there!
Men’s Morning Prayer
Join the men of Landmark as they gather at Pastor Ryan’s house to pray for one another and their unique needs. Email ryan@landmarkchurch.life for the address.
Back-to-school Park Party
Join us for our monthly church-wide park party at Rio Vista Park. We will be embracing the back-to-school theme with an old fashioned field day with events. Come ready to have fun and bring your game face! We will be doing a potluck so please bring an entree if your late name starts with A-M and a side if your last name ends with N-Z.
New Members Class
Interested in Membership at Landmark? Join us on Sunday, August 25 @ 12:15pm at the Azzaro home. Please email rachel@landmarkchurch.life if you plan on attending!
Men’s Morning Prayer
Join the men of Landmark as they gather at Pastor Ryan’s house to pray for one another and their unique needs. Email ryan@landmarkchurch.life for the address.
Community Formation Class
Are you interested in joining a group at Landmark? This class, taught by Pastor Luke, will introduce you to the importance of community life outside of Sunday mornings. This class will be held in the ‘Makerspace’ classroom in our children’s ministry area.
Landmark YTH Hangz
Have a student from the ages 14-18? Join our ministry resident, Kenny, and volunteers for fun hangz and gospel conversations! If you’re interested in having a youth student attend please contact Kenny at kenny@landmarkchurch.life.
Family Sunday & School Year Prayer
Every 2nd Sunday of the month we invite our families to worship together (we still have class for our babies 6 months - 2 years old). This Sunday we will be praying over our students/parents, teachers, and school faculty as they enter into this new school year.
Men’s Morning Prayer
Join the men of Landmark as they gather at Pastor Ryan’s house to pray for one another and their unique needs. Email ryan@landmarkchurch.life for the address.
Baptism & Worship Celebration Night
Join us on Wednesday, July 31st, at Rio Vista Park in San Marcos to celebrate baptism in the river and worship together as a church family. We will also be having a potluck dinner, please bring an entree if your last name starts with A-M and a side if your last name starts with N-Z. If you are interested in getting baptized, please email Pastor Ryan at ryan@landmarkchurch.life.
Community Formations Class
Are you interested in joining a group at Landmark? This class, taught by Pastor Luke, will introduce you to the importance of community life outside of Sunday mornings. This class will be held in the ‘Makerspace’ classroom in our children’s ministry area.
Baptism & Fall Launch
We are having our first baptism and fall launch on 1 very exciting Sunday evening. The baptism will be included at the end of our regular service time so we hope everyone can join us for this special time of celebration for transformed hearts.