Ryan Azzaro
I was born in a church planting family and have spent my entire life in the church. If you would’ve asked me at 6 years old if I would be a pastor, my answer would have been “YES”. But like so many who grow up around the faith, it took me years to recognize that there was a difference between knowing about Jesus, and following Jesus. In my adolescence, I ran from the Lord, and as someone who has always been fairly extreme, I ran hard!
I sewed and reaped the fruit of spiritual rebellion, and by 19 the Lord had humbled and brought me to a moment of spiritual crisis. Such is his mercy! Since that year, my life has been the story of a gradual restoration of hope, joy, security, and purpose. I first accepted the call to pastoral ministry when sensing I need in my home church for someone to shepherd a group of high school students.
My view of pastoral ministry has always been fundamentally centered around studying the Word, modeling obedience to the Word, and teaching the Word. While I am certain I have not always done this well, I am thankful that the Lord has always given me the desire to build my ministry on these simple tasks! Rachel and I moved to San Marcos because we want to be a part of seeing people experience the power of Christ as we have. We believe that our call is not to be exceptional or innovative, but rather to be a faithful witness and representation of what God’s people have always been. As a pastor, I pray that above all, I am a man of faith, love, and integrity. I’m so grateful that Jesus is mine and I am His!